I have realized something. Every time I become sad or feel like I've lost something, it's because I truly have. I lost a part of me and I am grieving and I am missing. I become sad and lost, and I want the comfort that comes with knowing. I lost the part I knew. The newness of the world, and the newly revealed hole is bothering me. I used to associate that with negativity, as something bad. It felt as if the shirt was too big, and I was forced to make it my perfect fit. After that, however, I begin to grow. I begin to see the world in a new light and while my vision may still be blurred from so much crying, I begin to see the remains of myself and begin build on that. I keep building and building and always something will fall apart, because the old pieces are no longer strong enough to hold the new me. The better and more improved version. So I'll keep mourning over my own death and keep rejoicing over my own birth. The cycle will keep repeating and I will keep changing, but never will I be dying. This other realization was brought to me by Five of Cups. We cannot be sad over what's lost because being sad over losses will only bring more despair. Fixing the view and focusing on what's already present and good will bring joy. Mixing both of those knowledges is creating something very powerful. Sadness comes from change, and it occurs from our resistance to change. We constantly change but because it's so hard to let go of what's in the past, we become sad. We see it as a loss, forgetting the gains from having so much space to build on. When we take the step to look beyond the damage, and accept the remaining pieces, we become happy and begin to work on life. Once we built something strong and bold, the ground shakes and the wall breaks. It cracks. What we fail to realize is, we never loose something we need. We always have what we need, and what's no longer of use is left in the past, but because it's so familiar, it becomes hard to part with. So we convince ourselves that it's exactly what we need. Remember, you have all you need- always. The conclusion; Sadness is resistance to change. Accept change and build on remains. Remains will break and sadness will come. Accept change and build on remains, because you can only go forward, never back. You can only go up, never down. And know that in the end, everything is as it should be.