I've been gone. It's been a few weeks since I last posted anything more than 2 lines. It doesn't matter, because honestly, life is more important than this. Life is bigger and life requires attention. I've been ignoring that for a while, I've been ignoring the fact that if I ignore life, life will ignore me. Of course, 3-4 weeks ago, it got my attention. What I've been up to, if anyone would ever wonder, is living. I dyed my hair red again, and I started exercising again. I am hanging out with my friends again, and doing things I'm not supposed to. Of course, all that must be balanced with something else, and I do keep a balance. I am no longer interested in ask.fm or any other social media. I use KIK a lot, but that's to stay in touch with my friends. I occasionally post on Instagram (poem one) and I really love to look at the photography on Tumblr. However, ask.fm is different. When I first joined ask.fm, the first few months were a blast. I met so many people I am still friends with today. In fact, I talked to one on the phone today and yesterday. Then, most of the people I knew, I don't know anymore. It doesn't matter because I am happy, and my now is better than my yesterday. I write, in fact, I am writing something really cool that I only shared with a few people. It's a secret, and that's what I'm working on. I am going into my senior year of high school, and I am exited for all the things I am yet to learn. I love my classes. I am turning 18 in just two months, and I am even happier with that. I am also planning, and that excites me. I am no longer 14, and I need to take on with my responsibilities and accept all the possibilities that the world has to offer. I am happy, and I am living. Of course I'll use ask.fm now and then, but not as often. I'd also like to add one more thing. This, my friends, is the bright side. When you're younger, you think that's all there is in the world, but wait a bit more and you'll see. The world, it's bigger and better; and it's scary--- but it's something you cannot stop doing.